
Nothing to do tomorrow? Come to RSSC’s Open House!

Hey Ladies – Tomorrow is a great opportunity to check out all of the different shooting disciplines and events that are conducted at Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club.  RSSC is hosting their annual Open House.  It’s a free event, so bring your friends, family, and neighbors! There will be live-fire demos, many different types of firearms…


Drop in crime rate … More guns do NOT equal more crime!

Take a look at these interesting articles, which report a drop in the National crime rate.  Both were posted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).  http://blog.nssf.org/2009/12/violent-crime-continues-decline-even-while-gun-ownership-increases.html http://blog.nssf.org/2009/12/washington-dc-homicides-down-too-calif-microstamping-law-takes-effect-in-new-year.html Rock on, law-abiding gun owners! Kip

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January 23rd 2010 Class Scheduled – Basic Firearms 101 For Women

We have added our first class for 2010:  a January 23rd Basic Firearms 101 Class If you are a previous student and would like to enroll in another Basic Firearms Class, be sure to ask about our “discounted” rate for returning alumni. Gentlemen – If you haven’t got the love of your life a really…